bignjapan; Are you big in Japan? Why is it that you never followed up what you were going to say? Why are you bignjapan? Just curious...because so am I....Are you taking Japanese medications? How are they for you? So far mine work mildly and no bad side effects. But I am also living a kind of a reclusive life here... so my social phobia has a chance to take over and I am not as stressed out...maybe a little under stressed, but I think that is good...I am not afraid of dieing, but I did have the breathing problem in the past, or should I say the stop breathing problem while trying to go to sleep, and jumping up with a start when I stopped breathing. So that is one reason I wrote in before to help someone else who had the same problem, or a similar one. I chalk it up to a worn out nervous system when under stress. As to dieing, the day of one's death is more important than the day of one's being born. Especially if we have a good conscience about the way we lived our lives. If we try to do our best to right the wrongs and do the right things, we should not be afraid of dieing. I mean it is easy to say when one is not threatened with immediate extinction, however, I guess people are becoming more stressed out with the whole world situation and sense something big might be coming up. We watched a movie recently called Flash in the Past, and it was really funny; about a guy who built a fallout shelter during the Cuban missile crisis, and so he runs to his shelter, and when a plane crashes on his house, he believes nuclear war has begun. When they come out 35 years later they see the decay of society since they went into the shelter, and it is really interesting and funny. Well, something may happen to us with all the things that are going on, but I say, and especially when I am depressed, bring it on...let's get it over with. So why spend time fearing death? There really is nothing to fear, unless it is a prolonged painful one. Even then, there are medications for that. It is a door to a better future.