Hi, Sherrie!
I,m sorry, that you have the same terrible fear death anxiety. I,m moderate religious cristian. But at the same time I have conflict in my mind, when religious thoughts and physical science collide with each other. I,m too good educated in physics, chemistry, and other materialistic science to believe only in spiritual evidence. Maybe because of that I can not find the peace in my heart. I always analysing any events through the different, opposing each other prisms. I went to many websites, in order to find the answer: to astronomy,I have red about recent discovery of Big Bang, Black Hole, by telescope Hubble, have red evidence of people who had near-death experiences.They say that they been experiencing -like light at the end of tunnel, out of body sensations, referring it is a God you meeting over there.I think they promote their websites in order to sell their books. My theory is:( I do not insist to believe on it-it just my subjective opinion)
When any individual is dying, brain suffers the lack of
oxygen, because the heart stopped to pump.Even though heart is stopped, the chemical and electrical reactions and charges is going on in the brain for a while, which create the hallucinations: like very pleasant sensations, very bright light. I,d like to discuss more if you wish later.