Wdarling; Yes, I have had this problem in the past. When I was 20 years younger, I was going through a tough time; and I didn't know at the time it was a sign of anxiety. I had the same symptoms; I would ly in bed, and as I was falling asleep; I would stop breathing, and wake myself up. I could not get to sleep because of it if I slept on my left side. If I stayed on my right side, I was o.k.; so I got checked by the doctor who sent me for a heart checkup at the hospital, and I did have a little heart murmer, but nothing to get too alarmed about. Looking back now, I think it was stress. Eventually I also suffered with irritable bowl too; and had to get that all checked out a few times which was terrible; but once I started on medications, all of those problems went away. Actually the heart thing went away when tension in my life decreased, even before the medication; but occassionally it comes back. I was also tested for sleep apnea, which is when you do stop breathing for a few seconds, and start up again, when you are snoring. It also causes weight gain. Well the doctor said it was do to antidepressant/anxiety and sleep medicine. I also had jurky leg syndrome which was also caused by the medicine, because when I stopped that particular type it went away. I begin to wonder if everyone who takes these medications and gains a lot of weight aught to also be given the oxygen at night they prescribe for overweight med takers. I have thought of being retested for this again , because the less oxygen you take in during the night the more fat you put on. Anyway; I think it is really expensive, so perhaps I wouldn't be able to afford it anyway. But as to the going to sleep and stopping to breathe, I know it is probably your body's nervous system reacting to something. Please mention it to your doctor. :)