I am a new member. I apologize upfront for this being a long message. I've been searching all over for info on fear of driving. I don't think what I have is full blown panic attacks - although I have had some while driving, and in other situations in the past.
My real problem is that I am a new driver, having learned later in life, and it does not come natural to me. I feel clumsy, unsure of myself and fearful. I practice ALOT and I have had my license for over 8 months. I was even driving back and forth to a job for almost 4 months - 35 minutes each way, on highways and even doing a traffic circle. But every time I think of getting in a car, I feel dread. Short trips too - the supermarket, parking lots, busy times of day. I am afraid of turns and merges and lane changes.
I had an accident a few weeks ago - I actually hit a pedestrian while I was making a left turn, in the rain - she was not severely injured and although I was definitely at fault - she was a bit out of the crosswalk...but I get sick to my stomach when I visualize it, realizing I could have killed someone. Even crossing the street as a pedestrian myself, I am now more nervous.
My husband calls what I have 'tunnel vision' and the way he describes it is true. I see mostly what's in front of me, because I'm so busy concentrating. When I'm on new roads my eye can't perceive the curves of the road, I can't always follow the lines depicting the lanes - sometimes I end up getting into a turning lane, thinking that I'm in the right lane and not realizing an additional turning lane came into play, and I didnt' notice it. When I look to merge onto a highway, and I look at oncoming traffic trying to judge when to enter, I'm not sure what I see. I'll wait for someone to pass, and as he approaches I'll realize he was in the left lane, and I had a clear shot at entering, but I couldn't tell which lane he was in.
It feels like the more experience I have, the worse it gets. I need to drive to make a living, at least a few times a week the next few months,to an office that's about an hour away, and at least 3 highways and busy roads. After that the bulk of my work will involve a train commute so I keep telling myself I just have to get through this period. My self-esteem is shot and I always feel li