Hi, Michele.
If visualizing is all you can do, then it is certainly worth a try. You could make time for yourself to visualize driving somewhere for 1/2 an hour or so at least a couple of times a week.
In CBT you might be encouraged to push yourself a bit further. In CBT you might be asked to write a story describing your worst fear of what is going to happen. You would be asked to really go for it, describe the car, describe the day, the weather, the drive, and describe what you are afraid will happen in great detail. Make sure that the story has a beginning, middle and end. Then you would make a tape of the story and listen to the tape for, say, half an hour every day. While listening to the tape you might close your eyes and visualize what you are describing on the tape. At first listening to the tape would make you really really anxious. However, over time you might find yourself being less and less anxious after you had listened to the tape over and over again. You can certainly use the Panic Program to plan for this kind of expossure work and monitor your fear ratings over time.
Anything you can do to increase your exposure to cars and driving would be good too. If you have access to a car on weekends try to challenege yourself to drive as much as you can. You can certainly make exposure plans even if you only have acces to car on weekends.
How does this sound to you?
Anne-Marie, Site Administrator