Dear PinklEfant:
Yes, I have been where you are. Unfortunately,nothing succeeds like success and I found I had to "pray" and push myself to learn better. As my skills improved, the nerves subsided a little each time. I am still constantly learning new defensive driving skills and becoming more aware of what's happening around me when I drive. One psychology professor I knew, said driving is a skill that needs to become "overlearned" before one is really comfortable and skilled at it. It is the "overlearning" that allows one to drive without the forced constant attention (read nerves) that goes with being a learner. So, unfortunately, the only really cure is to just drive and learn and drive a little longer and better each time.
I always took my husband or son (who is an excellent driver) with me until I mastered highway driving. And, yes, that was really scary at first!!!! I have eaten enough butterflies to last a lifetime, but I don't know of anyother way around it. I managed without pills of any sort, as I wanted to have my wits about me on the 400-series highways. So, good luck to you! Remind yourself that as you procrastinate, you are only elongating the self-torture. Accept the fear, go with it and just learn to drive better. The anxiety will diminish eacdh time you drive, honestly. But as long as you put it off, it will haunt you and convince you that you will never or simply cannot drive.
Meditation and prayer helped me (not while driving) but at other times during the day so that my subconscious became accustomed to the notion of driving and accepting all the risks in order to hone my skills. You can do the same. You are much younger than I am.
Love & prayers,
JitteryMom (past the jitters, can you believe it???)