While I will not reveal any of the actual materials in the Linden Method I will comment on it.
The method is based on eating properly (the correct foods are outlined), proper exercise, visualization, posture, breathing etc....a real holistic approach. Not voodoo, good solid habits.
There are mental coping methods included and recommendations for natural substances to be substituted for chenmical medications. Also included are relaxation methods, audio guided visualization aids (almost like hypnosis) and a book with outlines of what the various natural herbs, minerals and such are good for, and where they can be found naturally in foods.
I have just completed the book and will begin the program tomorrow. I plan on getting out to the natural food store today to pick up supplies. The fact that Mr. Linden does NOT sell the "vitamins and herbs" himself speaks well to his honesty. He makes no money by directing you to a healthy lifestyle. It was refreshing to finish the book without seeing a "pitch" to buy "Linden herbal teas".
It seems that Mr. Linden believes that a much more natural lifestyle is the answer to anxiety. He outlines his method fairly clearly in the book and provides audio and video aids as well. This is not a "pop a pill" and get better routine, it does require effort on the part of the participant to follow the guidelines, but the guidelines are not unreasonable or difficult.
I guess the basic feeling I get from this is that he believes in a "back to nature" approach. He claims it has worked wonders for him and I do know from personal experience that once the body is physically well and in balance, that the mental portion is more likely to be in order.
For instance, if anxiety and bowel problems (to use just one example) are partners in crime....which causes which? Does the anxiety cause the bowel problems or the bowel problems cause the anxiety...or perhaps they feed off each other. Well, with proper diet and exercise the bowel problems can be corrected. If that is done, will the anxiety also dissipate somewhat? I dont know, but Im willing to give it a shot.
In October of last year I was down to 180 lbs and feeling pretty good both mentally and physically. Then I got a bad case of the hives. The allergist put me on prednis