If you do not have to work for a living or do not have a schedule for the day then temporarily you can put the day/night routine on hold. Is there any reason you have to sleep at night other than it is the normal thing to do? Any reason why you can't get a cup of tea, some cookies and watch a movie till you fall asleep? In a chair even. It won't last for ever. Once you accept that this is okay you will most likely go back to a normal routine. I'm retired, If I can't sleep I don't let it worry me.
Hell I'll even clean house or do laundry in the middle of the night. And if I need a nap during the day, well so be it. See it isn't every day, it just is sometimes. Accepting it is one less reason to worry about it. And no one will know if you don't tell them.
Is the reason you can't nap because you feel guilty? Accept that right now you are sick and need to do what ever you have to till you are better.
If you have GAD then panic or more correctly the worry about panic just adds one more worry to the list of worries you have. It becomes a circle after a while with one feeding the other.
An interesting thing about worry is that people that worry don't do it as much as they think. It is just such a heavy focus that it seems like it. The truth is that it comes in lumps and there are worry free periods in between. The thing to do is to look for those worry free periods and try to extend them some how. Like watching a movie in the middle of the night. Finding distractions to keep worry at bay is constructive and well worth the time.
Placebo effect is used when physical pains are caused by anxiety. Basically it is telling yourself that a routine or a product will work even if it shouldn't. Like telling yourself that a cup of ginger mint tea will stop a stomach ache. It has too since you just said it will. So you do it and if it is anxiety it will work because if it is anxiety there is no physical reason for it to be there. If your mind can put it there your mind can take it away. A couple of time of the placebo working and it will work all the time.
Companies know this, so if they advertise something hard enough you will believe something works even if it really doesn't and buy it. And since it is supposed to work it does, even if it doesn't really.
The other thing you can do and this is related to worry time, is focus on the pain and try to keep it there. The theory is that if it isn't really there you will get bored with trying to keep it there and let go of it. How well this works I don't know. Theory also is that if you don't get bored with it then it is probably real and you need to do something with it.
I always assume it is emotional till I prove it is physical. The potential is always there for anxiety. Of course sometimes I'm wrong like when I broke my Fibula and didn't know it till I had it X-rayed to stop thinking about it. Sure enough, it was broke.
You know anxiety reduces your resistance and allows you to acquire ulcers. So even if it is anxiety it still can be physical. Well there is stuff for both these conditions.