Hiya Wrestler!
I find I have those really bl;ah days too. They kinda scare me. It feels like I will fall into a black whole. But then the blah goes away and I feel silly for overreacting to it lol As you said, it passes, when it is there you just got to challenge your thoughts and remember it will pass, i totally agree with you on that.
As for the training and such, well I don't really train but I walk a lot now and I am always amazed at what a great pick me up it is! Now if I could just find a few exercises for my upper body while I am walking I will be set!
Mostly I just want to say how much I admire you.No matter what you seem to srtick it out at work and with your studies and I am super impressed. Also, I find it amazing the attachment you have to your wife, I think it is great to see how beautiful your relationship to her is :) Anyways, kudos to you :)
And anytime you have hard days, blah days or just something on your mind, feel free to come vent with us :) Venting is always helpful when done with people who understand lol Anyway, hope you are having a good day today :)