I understand what you and Davit mean but right now its impossible. My husband cannot take that much time off work, they are doing lay-offs and are just waiting for an excuse, we have a autistic-like son who needs care and supervision even through I am in a very bad way now I still manage to care for him, thanks be too God, in fact he is probably the only thing that keeps me going, last time I went away for the weekend he left the gate open and our dog bit a little girl and we almost got sued! If something happened to my son or my husband lost his job that would be awful, I would be under MORE stress at a hospital worrying about what is going on at home, went I went to ER one night my son did not even close the garage door at night, he needs constant supervision, believe me if I had any relative or friend that could help out I would go, but if my husband gets fired we lose our insurance and home and I cannot ask him that. There is a out-patient clinic near our home but I dont think they take insurance, I once asked my therapist about going to one of the two hospitals that help and he replied "believe me you do NOT want to go there" it must be pretty bad, he works there part-time and I guess he would know, its different here in florida, you have two choices the local psych ward where its very bad or a private hospital but thats way too expensive, I would love to do out patient work, I am going to call my Ins to see if I can, like go there 3or 4 times a week but be home at night for my son, if I can build the courage up to go out, I do not want to go to a hospital anyway and with my family situation its impossible right now, I guess the only thing worse than my conditon is my husband losing his job, and they fired people for much less there! Fl is a "right to work state" and there is no protection or unions, and with his health noone else will hire him.
I will try next week to get a new therapist and talk to my nurse about perhaps a new mild med, do the program, listen to my tapes and stay away from negative people, try to walk and eat healthy and most of all stop the scary thoughts, that is all I can do, I hate to go to Doctors much less hospitals and from what I hear they are not good, and you would think in the year of 2011 that would have changed, its mostly drug addicts, alcholics, and severe mental diseases my therapist said, he said "you would not do well in that place and since you are not a danger to yourself or others I doubt they would commit you" and if Ins does not pay we could never afford it, and they only keep you less than a week, I do not want to go there and get worse, I have lost a lot of faith in therapists and psych doctors anyhow, they can be callous and cold or unhelpful and unknowing.
I will just try harder on the program and take my klonopin, I wish I had outside help but I dont and it hospitals scare me to death. Do you think its possible for me to do the program and get better, I will start over since I had a setback its all I have at this time.