Good morning Debora: I knew a lady in my support group who had to try three different SSRIs. She, like you, could not tolerate the first two. The third one worked! We cannot advise you on meds. I can only tell you what I have heard, seen or experienced myself. Can you talk to your doctor about this? trying a different one or even something different as Davit takes? He doesn't tolerate SSRI either. Many yrs. ago before SSRIs came on the scene and before I even knew about CBT, my doctor prescribed Imipramine for 6 months. It worked well for me. Had slight nausea and dry mouth for about three weeks, then disappeared. You know the kind of nausea you get when you are first pregnant? Not even close to that.
When you write that the box breathing is helping, do you realize that you are helping yourself? That part of the CBT program is starting to work? Good for you!
As for the fear, once you start having some positive steps forward, even little teeny baby steps, write it down. Such as the box breathing helping. Every time you do something positive, write it down. At the end of the day, the end of the week, read them over. See how you have improved. These are positive reinforcements for your brain to register, that you are progressing, slowly but surely. See how your thinking positive thoughts have helped you bury the negative ones.
The past is gone. Let it go. That therapist didn't work out, doesn't mean you won't find a better one. Each day is a new start. When you get up don't think that you are going to suffer another bad day of fear and negativity. When you get up, think in a positive manner, that even though you will still have symptoms today, you know box breathing will help you. You know you will change those negative thoughts to a positive thought. (You may have to keep reminding yourself to do this, this is a new way of thinking, something you are learning right now). This is the first step to a new beginning, the way you think and approach a problem. (no it may not be easy, but keep doing it and smile).
Looking at your agoraphobia, how about going outside every single day, even just to sit at the door, bring a drink with you, tea, coffee, juice, water, whatever you want. Maybe the sun is too hot for you, or too bright as you mentioned before. I wear a visor if it is that bad. Not the greatest fashion statement, but it helps my eyes, I have glaucoma. Sit and breathe in deeply. Do your box breathing on the steps of the house. If you feel like it, go in the yard and walk about for a 5 minutes. Look around and appreciate your surroundings, breathe in deeply. When you think you've had enough, go back inside. This routine I would do every single day. The next wk. I would try to walk down the street a bit, two, three houses down, then back again. I would continue to do this even if I didn't feel like it. It's also a way to acclimatize yourself to that heat and brightness you were talking about. It's a goal for yourself and after you accomplish this goal, you will feel confidence in yourself. Small goals to start with, but that's how you will build your confidence back.
You were mentioning about your looks and how bad you look right now, how your friends are mentioning it. How about a routine every single day, put some make up on, even just a lip gloss and blush, if you don't wear make up. Do your hair every day. Always makes me feel better if I take care of myself. I give myself a manicure and pedicure every single wk. Usually a Friday night. These are things you may be thinking, why bother and who cares anyway. Well, for me, I bother because I am showing myself and the world that I care about myself and how I present myself to others. Best foot forward and all that. Besides, it feels good! Release those endorphins by doing good things for yourself.
So, good luck with your study of CBT today. One session at a time. Remember you can always go back to a session you feel you need to understand better. I've done it three times. Each time I got a better understanding.
take care today, and positive thinking!