Hi Guy.
Take a deep breath and catch yourself. Every thing will work out.
Okay for most people the first two weeks of Celexa can be very bad, I mean very bad. But for most people once you get past those first two weeks things settle down. If it doesn't then it is the wrong medication. The usual drug of choice to moderate these horrible effects is Xanax or a drug in that class, Valium if Xanax is to sedating. Not Ativan. The rebound from the celexa would be horrible. You need something that will hold you 24 hours. Now this is only till the side effects from the celexa subside. Ativan is only to be used for two to four weeks so it could not in theory be used long enough to do you any good. But for the first two weeks it is good for suicide prevention. A side effect in the young for some reason. (and me)
Be careful with your sweetie. Explain that you are taking celexa and it can make you grumpy and disorientated and you might say things you don't mean. It can make you very sad.
It takes six weeks to reach full effect but once it does for those it works for it is like a miracle.
But till then, life can be horrible. It is like doing exposure when you don't want to.
The anti anxiety effects of SSRIs is not guaranteed but they do calm you enough to use CBT or self talk.
I am here to remind you why you are doing this when it all seems hopeless. It is worth it. So hang in there and ask your friends for help for those first two weeks at least.
One other thing. If your sweetie tells you you are not making sense, believe her, it can be a side effect also.
My sweetie comes next weekend, think of us when all seems impossible, if we can do this so can you.
Davit, I made it, so can you.