well i dont know much about mental health to diagnos it ya know,but one dr said i had psychosis,and in his words no symptoms of classic panic disorder he gave some kinda of crazy drug xeprexa i spelled it wrong i aint touch it..other drs have said from the begining i have pd,and the ones i see now say i have panic disorder...i know that dr throwing that in there didnt help,but sometimes i feel not panicky but just crazy like mymind is all messed up no clear thoughts,no emotions,out of touch with the world,its very disturbing..really i cant even describe the symptoms i try but i cant..the main ones are i dont feeel comftorable like in my own skin that is 24/7 usually..like no comfort zone,wory about health,i kind of hold myself i feel so imcomftorable..what worrys me to is my thought process like im numb to the world and crazy about my health..i get angry,upset,on edge..maybe you can help,its like im just not clear headed also,than when i am its like im kinda back..dang this post sucks im trying its just hard to describe...one more thing im never happy,well very rare..thank