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symptoms of my panic PLEASE HELP!!!!

for 21 år siden 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I know what you are going through. I had those impending doom feelings, fear of cancer etc really bad when I was younger(in my 20's). It seemed to mostly going away after about 5 yrs, and when that feeling of impending doom does come I seem to just be able to 'observe' the thoughts without letting them upset me, I'd had them so much. I still fear cancer a bit (who doesn't!) and I still avoid going to the doctor. That started when I took my cat to the vet years ago and the vet found a lump in her which turned out to be cancer. Ever since then I can't stand going to the doctor. It seems that people like us pick something to overly worry or obsess on, or we imprint on a traumatic event, doesn't really matter what! Our neighbour's house burned down (we watched it burning) and their pets died in the fire, then I switched to being phobic about our house burning down when we were out and our pets would die in it. I couldn't enjoy myself whenever we went out, and when we came home my heart would pound until I saw the house standing. That seemed to just evaporate after a year or two. Now it's driving and cliffs. So, I think knowing you are not alone and so many have the same feelings should be of some comfort, and just remind yourself it will pass eventually. It's weird, but I've noticed if you smell something really strong (like lavender or stinky cheese!) when you feel like that, it helps to diminish the fear, or start trying to make yourself worry about something else or think about something you feel really strongly about.. Sounds weird, but it works for me for that kind of fear anyway....Jo
for 21 år siden 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I can totally relate to what your feeling. I too, thought I was going to die and would think that everything that happened was a sign that I was going to die. I was having chest pains one day and a commercial came on about heart disease and symptoms of a heart attack. So of course I thought that was a sign that I was going to die. If I had a really good day with my kids and we laughed and had fun I would then think God has given me one last good day with my kids so I'd better prepare to die now. It's all just the anxiety making you turn nothing into something. The stress in your life more then likely triggered all of this, but I would definately go talk to a doctor. I really feel for you I know what it feels like, but things will get better.
for 21 år siden 0 19 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
jmodge, You're definitely not alone. Currently I am suffering from fear of rabies. I'm slowly getting better. In late 1995, when I was living in another city, I often had to stop work (luckily I was working in my cousin's house, and also living there) and go upstairs to lie in bed, because I was sure I was dying. I had strange dreams with religious references, and I remember asking God to please let me make it back home to see my parents once more before I die. That weekend I went home, and the whole time I was freaking out that I would not make it there - maybe I'd go blind on the interstate and not find anybody to get me home. I survived that one, and I think you will, too.
for 21 år siden 0 26 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for helping me on the whole feeling of am I going to die soon. It is really frustrating to me that I cant get a handle on my thoughts and fears!!! So it helps to know that I am not alone with these feelings and that i am not going mad!!
for 21 år siden 0 200 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sorry that you are having such a hard time, I've been there myself and I know it seems like it will never end. We all worry about our health, it seems like that's a big part of panic and it's problems. Even though I was afraid of meds, too, I waited until I could no longer stand it before I started any. I've tried several over the years, some have been a great help to me. I've been on Lexapro for almost 6 weeks now and it's made a huge difference! The side effects were very slight and didn't last long at all. They certainly weren't any near as bad as the panic itself! I do understand you fear of meds, but sometimes panic makes us afraid to take them because then we won't fear the panic itself anymore! The panic doesn't want to be ignored so if it can scare you enough not to take the meds, it can stay and bother you all it wants! Think of it that way! It's looking for ways to get to you and to stay in control of your life. I wish the best for you, and let us know how you're doing now.
for 21 år siden 0 46 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jmodge, I have a strong aversion to doctors as well. I understand where you're coming from on that point. It makes it that much harder when you're imagining the worst about your symptoms. I just keep reminding myself that I've been through this before and on the occasions when I've forced myself to go to the doctor they couldn't find any reason for my symptoms. If you're planning a wedding I can see how that kind of stress would trigger an old anxiety problem. The wedding planning itself is stressful enough all on it's own, then add in the fact that your life is changing. Maybe you need to give yourself permission to feel this anxiety, because worrying about it and trying to fight it off will just make it more intense. I personally avoid medications as I've tried them before and felt they made things worse in the long wrong, but in your case the others may be right about getting a doctor to put you on whatever medication they think might help you during this transitional time in your life. Maybe once you're all settled into your new marriage and you've had time to decompress you'll feel a lot better.
for 21 år siden 0 128 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi jmodge, Sounds like you're having a rough time to say the least. Well, you're definetely not alone. I have also had those premonition type thoughts that I was going to die some days. Or I would see things as omens and be very scared. I am also scared about aneurysms, but my main fear is about my heart. I don't have a phobia of the doctor, cause I have a great one, but I understand your fear. I think the impending doom thoughts are all just a part of this huge anxiety illness. I have also gone through stages where I could not eat or sleep due to worry and anxiety and I had chronic muscle pains, headaches and a tight jaw. All part of stress! I don't really know how to help you other than to say that a low dose of SSRI medication has done wonders for me. I have a long way to go but I can now sleep, eat, have no more muscle pains from stress and when I feel twinges and palpitations and stuff, I no longer think I'm going to die from it. I know it's just a part of anxiety. I am also much more positive and am now making very small steps in reclaiming my life. If you have a med phobia, I do too and it took me until I could not function AT ALL in life to finally breakdown and start taking meds. I was so scared I would have a reaction and the meds would kill me. But I didn't- they have only helped, even though I still fear them sometimes. Remember that all you have described is typical of anxiety and if you can push yourself to go to the doctor and try to get treatment for the anxiety, I would bet many of your symptoms would lessen. I have been there and feel for ya. Take care, Sarah
for 21 år siden 0 1521 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jmodge, Please let us know what is on your mind??
for 21 år siden 0 26 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
for 21 år siden 0 293 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear jmodge, I am sorry to hear that you are feeling this way. There are many people on this site who feel the same way and will be more than willing to help you out. I think it is important that you let your family doctor know how you are feeling. Whether it is stress or not that is triggering these episodes, they need to be dealt with. You said you have a severe phobia of the doctor, so what you can do is take the anxiety test on the left of your screen and e-mail the results to them. That way you'll be able to tell your doctor exactly how you are feeling and they will be able to get you suitable help. Susanne

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