I know what you are going through. I had those impending doom feelings, fear of cancer etc really bad when I was younger(in my 20's). It seemed to mostly going away after about 5 yrs, and when that feeling of impending doom does come I seem to just be able to 'observe' the thoughts without letting them upset me, I'd had them so much. I still fear cancer a bit (who doesn't!) and I still avoid going to the doctor. That started when I took my cat to the vet years ago and the vet found a lump in her which turned out to be cancer. Ever since then I can't stand going to the doctor. It seems that people like us pick something to overly worry or obsess on, or we imprint on a traumatic event, doesn't really matter what! Our neighbour's house burned down (we watched it burning) and their pets died in the fire, then I switched to being phobic about our house burning down when we were out and our pets would die in it. I couldn't enjoy myself whenever we went out, and when we came home my heart would pound until I saw the house standing. That seemed to just evaporate after a year or two. Now it's driving and cliffs. So, I think knowing you are not alone and so many have the same feelings should be of some comfort, and just remind yourself it will pass eventually. It's weird, but I've noticed if you smell something really strong (like lavender or stinky cheese!) when you feel like that, it helps to diminish the fear, or start trying to make yourself worry about something else or think about something you feel really strongly about.. Sounds weird, but it works for me for that kind of fear anyway....Jo