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Some one please help me:(

for 21 år siden 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear Hopeful-thanks for you're response. I did finally get some sleep last night. I think my body was just so tired that it finally took over-thank-god. It was helpful to know that you had a similar situation with you're daughter's father, yes-I too don't understand how he can just walk-away so easily. I actually could see it coming and I really regret that I didn't protect my son more. But...now that I have gone through this-I definately will not let him come back and do this again.Knowing his father the way I do, he probably won't even try to get in touch anyway..Thanks again Have a nice day. Jenny
for 21 år siden 0 200 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jenny, sorry that tonight's been so stressful for you. I know how it makes you feel. Remember tho, that these bad times always ALWAYS pass! Take a hot shower, or bath. Sometimes when I stop trying to relax, I actually get more relaxed. That's bad about your son's dad, I had the same problem with my daughter's father. He would feel guilty about not seeing her, make some half-hearted attempts to reconnect and then get lost in his own all important life. Meanwhile, my daughter would feel even worse than if he had never shown up. I don't know how some people can do that. My daughter is 23 now and he lives a mile away and she hasn't seen him in 7 years. Has no desire to, she said he didn't put forth any effort into being part of her life and why should she invite him into hers now? It was his loss. Yes, put more ground rules up for that guy, I would say "man" but men don't act like that. Your son will figure out that his dad isn't the dad he wants him to be, but he will probably continue to want to see him because kids really want to feel loved by their parents. Don't let him hurt the boy if you can help it. And remember, this bad time will pass like all the others. Tomorrow will be better, even if you don't think it will!
for 21 år siden 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Everyone: It is 11:15 p.m. and I cannot sleep. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I am exhausted from not getting enough rest and being stressed out. Right now I am having a hard time breathing properly. My chest feels very tight and honestly even doing this feels like alot. But..I have been sitting on my bed for over an hour trying to take deep breaths and get more relaxed. But to no avail.. I don't so much feel panicked as much as i do afraid. If that makes any sense. I have alot going on emotionally..Hope it's o.k. to share it..My son's dad who recently re-entered his life after not being in it for 7 years, has pulled a complete no-show this weekend. My son is 9 and I feel so bad for him..He was so happy to have his Dad back and now he's probably disappeared again. I wish I had put more stipulations on him when he came back..but..I wanted for my son to have his Dad in his life..Unfortunatley now it's almost worse because he got a taste of having him around and now he's doing this!!! Also, I am just not sleeping well. I wake up two or three times a night or otherwise early in the a.m and then my mind starts in and it's impossible for me to get back to sleep. So, each night by 7or8 I am just wiped out. Tonight I was looking forward to going to sleep, at least for a little while and nothing I have done so far is easing this feeling away. I am going to try when I finish this to lay down again. Thanks for being their to read this..Feel free to write back-it is always very helpful when anyone does...Thanks -Jenny
for 21 år siden 0 200 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Did everyone act like a baby goat today? Did you jump and twist in the air for the pure fun of it? Did you have curosity about each and everything you encountered? Was everyone you met a potential friend? Did you take a nap in the sun? Did you BBBAAA (or shout or sing, as the case may be) just to hear your own voice? Was your world a wonderful place to explore and enjoy? If so, then you were a successful baby goat. If not, take a lesson from one and try it tomorrow!
for 21 år siden 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Pamela34 and Hopeful, thanks again, I was very touched by what you both shared with me.. It honestly made me feel like crying...it was beautiful and very sweet. Thanks again...Take Care Jenny
for 21 år siden 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hopeful, I'm going to be like a baby goat today too. Full of life and enthusiasm. Thanks for the post you are not only a help to Jenny you've also been an inspiration to me. Take care and may God bless you and keep you in his care always.
for 21 år siden 0 200 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Pamela, that was a wonderful post from your devotional! Sounds like it was speaking right to me. I have a problem with dredging up past failures and dreading the future. It's hard for me to live in the present, I'm either on fast-forward, or re-wind! Since I recognized this problem a while back, I've been working on it alot. Trying to live in just this minute and leaving the past behind and the future to God. Jenny, I'm glad if I've encouraged you in anyway. When I think of others and how I might help them, I have less time to obsess about how I feel. Helping others with this problem helps us all. We all need encouragement and I find alot of that on this website. Yes, I believe that God sends us help in many ways, not just with a flock of angels or a bolt of lightening, but even with a website of other people suffering the same problem. He gives us so many gifts, we need only to look around us. Actively look for the blessings today, you will find them everywhere if your eyes are open and are not blocked by the panic and fear. Sometimes I might be knocking at someone's door (I deliver pizzas) and I'll feel fear coming on. Then I stop and look around me and I might see a beautiful tree in the yard, or kids playing up the street, or a friendly cat rubbing my ankles, or a child peeking at me thru the window, smiling. I try to think on those things. I still have a problem with driving, which is bad for a pizza driver! But it's getting better as I work hard to get past the fear. All I'm saying, I guess, is that we should look outside of ourselves - to others, the world all around us - and to God. Hope you all have a wonderful New Year! I'm headed to the barn where I have some blessings of my own, BABY GOATS! There is nothing cuter or more full of life than a baby goat. They love life so much, they throw themselves into the air, twisting and jumping and bouncing. It's like they are so full of life that it erupts out of them, they can't control their enthusiasm! Let me be just like a baby goat today! BBBBAAAAA!
for 21 år siden 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jenny, I'm glad that I have been able to help you a little. It is cool how God will send help to us in the strangest ways sometimes. It took me a long time to stop trying to do everything on my own( I don't know why it took me so long cause I sure was making a mess out of things).But God was the first person I turned too and after that it seemed like more and more help became available to me. I always kept everything inside and would never talk about how I felt but now that I'm seeking help and guidance I find people everywhere willing to help and support me. I wanted to post an excerpt from my daily devotional I read it last night and it was a great comfort to me- Dwell not on the past only on the present. Only use the past as the trees use my sunlight to absorb it.So store only the blessing from me and encourage yourselves by thoughts of these. Bury every fear of the future, bury all thoughts of unkindness. resentments, your sense of failure, your disappointment in yourself and others, your gloom and your despondency.Let us leave them all buried and go forward to a new and risen life.Remember I hold the year in my hands-in trust for you and I shall guide you one day at a time. Leave the rest with me. You must not anticipate the gift by fears of the days ahead for each day I shall supply the wisdom and the strength.
for 21 år siden 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear Pamela34 and Hopeful, I wanted to thank-you both so much for you're words of encouragement and hope. I cannot tell you how much this means to me!!! It is so nice to go onto the internet-early in the a.m. and open up to such encouraging and kind words. This is usually a really tough time-early in the morn. Although I don't know either of you I feel a connection in reaching out through this network and that is definately something that is a gift from GOD!!! So, I can say for certain that it is amazing how we get what we need sometimes and in ways that would seem unlikely at times.. It is just so good to know I am not alone. Thank-you both again and I wish you too a very Happy New Year. Jenny :)
for 21 år siden 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jenny, sounds to me like you are trying to do to many things at once. I know smoking is a terrible habit and you definately need to quit especially since you already have some breathing problems but maybe you should just focus on taking your medication for the anxiety right now. Once you get past that fear of taking it then you can work on quitting smoking. It will be alot easier to quit once your panic and anxiety is under control. Congratulations on giving up the drugs I know it's a tough thing to do and instead of feeling overwhelmed about all the things you haven't quit you need to feel proud about all you have accomplished. Hopeful, It was nice to read your post about how much you have grown as a person since you began to deal with your panic. I feel the same way when it first came back on me this past summer I begged God to just take it away I couldn't stand how I felt. But now I know why he didn't just magically take it away. I had alot of growing up to do and lots to learn and even though I hate this disease with a passion a part of me is glad it happened because I'm a better person now then I was before. Hope both of you are well and hope you have a wonderful new year.

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