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Some one please help me:(

for 21 år siden 0 200 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Pamela, I agree with you about God, through all this panic stuff I gotten much closer to Him. At first I thought that He was punishing me with this problem, but now I'm able to see it in a totally different way. It's not a punishment at all, He's showing me that there was a problem that I needed to work on. Instead of Him magically taking the panic away, He has used it to help me to become the person He intended for me to be. Not that I enjoy working on this problem! I wish it would have been a miracle cure and still do! But I can see how I've changed and matured and that is why we are here. We are to grow and learn and help others. Our souls grow through trials and we become better people on account of it. And yes, He will never leave us. Sometimes I can't feel His presence, but other times it's truly amazing how I can feel Him near. Jenny, I hope that you are feeling better, you seem to be fighting a lot of battles at once and no wonder it's hard for you! Give yourself a pat on the back for taking on all these problems at the same time. Take it easy as you can and take those little steps and things will improve. You are in my prayers.
for 21 år siden 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Pamela34, thanks for responding. It does feel better to know that I am not alone. It also helps to hear God mentioned. It's always a good reminder to me to think "oh yeah" God is a big resource, and I can reach out to him anytime. So thank-you. See part of what has got me is that I have developed this thing from smoking, called C.O.P.D. it is a pulmionary condition. The Dr. said it's not too bad right now..but obviously I need to quit smoking. So, between the humungous struggle I am having right now with the panic, the feelings which are real about having a hard time breathing and the panic making it worse..my chest get's constricted and it really is hard to breathe. Then I want to smoke and releive the feelings of anxiety and I feel like this terrible person for being so stubborn and afraid to quit when I know it is hurting me. I recently gave up drugs and have been working a program for 4 months now, so I am trying to put most of my energy into staying off the drugs. Then when I am given certain medications that will help me, like for my breathing, or prozac, I am afraid to take it and keep thinking that it is going to cause me more panic, so I just keep procrasitinating until people (my support people) get exasperated with me about not taking these things to help myself and I get mad at myself and feel embarassed about it.....Argh...Do you understand, can you relate to some of this??? I know this is long, I hope you don't mind me sharing all this. .This is about as specific or honest as I have been yet..Anything you want to say back is fine...or anyone else who reads this...and can shed some light...Thanks so much... Happy New Year. Jenny
for 21 år siden 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jenny, I know how you feel I've been going through the same thing. Good days then bam a day of freaking out and constantly feeling overwhelmed sometimes there is something specific I'm freakin out about but mostly I just have a feeling of dread. I don't know if this helps at all but sometimes knowing your not alone is comforting. I've been doing alot of reading lately about panic and anxiety and why it happens to some people and not to others and all of the different ways of coping with it and it seems the more I learn about it the better I feel about it. I guess knowledge really is power. I also put all of my faith in God I bought a womens devotional bible and reading the daily scriptures make me feel better. The bible says that God will never leave us nor forsake us and if you put your trust in him he will make your paths straight. I try to always remember this and it helps me when the fear gets really bad. I hope you are feeling better now and I bet tomorrow will be a great day for you.
for 21 år siden 0 1521 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Happy New Year!! All the best to each and every one of you in 2004. Melanie and Susanne
for 21 år siden 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Everyone: I want to wish everyone who comes to this website the very best possible New Year's Eve and New Year all of 2004. Especially that you all be as loving and gentle as is possible with yourselves, as I am going to try..myself. I also wanted to check in and say that I have had a very rough -rough day today. I have been feeling panicy since this morning. I was sitting at the computer playing yahtzee with my son and I became very lightheaded and dizzy. I didn't immediatley feel scared -but shortly after I noticed those AWFUL DREADFUL-****PY PANICKY FEELINGS COMING OVER ME, and I had to get up and leave the game. UGH!!! Seriously I get so **** angry sometimes I want to scream. I have been going through this for so long...so long..I have learned to deal with it, and honestly these past few days have been pretty panic free, but today it all came back and has yet to leave!!! I am grateful to be able to share this hear and know in my heart that this too shall pass..but when I am in it I do become exhausted, as I am now...If anyone would care to respond that would be great. Thanks so much for listening. Take Care and Keep the Faith. Jenny :) ;)
for 21 år siden 0 200 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hope that they've passed by now, I just wanted to tell you how arm and shoulder pain can freak me, too. Been having a pain in the side of my neck, shouldler and arm and it was really bothering me. Finally figured out that it was because I got a new computer desk and now I have to hold my "mouse pushing' arm higher! Even when something can have a perfectly rational reason, we worry about it! I'm better with it now that I've figured it out. But some pains I never figure out and they all pass, too. And you are right, sometimes when you hear about someone else's symptom, you start to develop it, too! Boy our minds just pick up and grab at anything! I wish I could ignore things more easily.
for 21 år siden 0 364 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Melinda, I hope your either still maintaining holding yourself together or at least it has passed by the time my post gets on here, hours after yours. I remember your post on the pains in your arm a few weeks back, I had a similar episode, even put off going to Thanksgiving dinner that day. Then I noticed it was a dull throb, and pains would only happened when I put pressure on it. I remembered I had fell asleep on a loveseat twice that week, I must have pinched a nerve in my neck affecting my arm. It persisted for a few days. I really think it was a strained muscle that started the flashback from your cousins conversation when you helped move the other day. Also if is was a cold day, pains in the back in the lung area, are common forms of pleurisy-nothing life threatening. I wonder if you were out in cold weather that day when moving. Please let us know. Your in my thoughts. Trish
for 21 år siden 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Melinda, I just read you're e-mail and found that you were describing what had happened to me tonight as well. I was in my car and started having chest pains, today I had pains in my arm, but tonight I got soooo scared that I spent almost 2 hours feeling exactly the way you described. I don't know if this helps but, I would be fairly confident saying that like me, you're symptoms are probably anxiety and that you really are physically o.k. I totally appreciate and understand what you are going through, please know you are not alone!!! I think you should do whatever works best for you, but truthfully I have been where you are at and still am their in most ways all the time. It isn't fun and I myself get very discouraged and depressed at times. I too feel like "oh God, do I have to go to the E-Room-again, and sometimes just knowing that I can go helps me to calm down. Please hang in their-you will be o.k. Jenny
for 21 år siden 0 78 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi guys, Need a little help Okay the pains are back in my arm again! And I think I€™m having a heart attack yet again. What should I do? Go to the ER for the ninth millionth time or just deal with it and tell my self I€™m not dyeing and I€™m not having a heart attack? The pain is in my jaw to and down my left arm to the tip of my fingers. I€™m not having any chest pain Knock on wood€¦ KNOCK KNOCK!! What should I do guys???? I think I know what brought it on but I can€™t convince my self of that. What happen was the other day I was helping my sister move and my cousin Kelly told me that she was driving the other day and started getting really bad pains in her arm and in her chest now she€™s like 37 she said they were so bad she had to pull over on the side of the road and relax then she said her boy friend was hugging her and it happen again€¦ I don€™t know if somewhere in the back of my messed up head I fed off of this and now it€™s happening to me or what. Then this morning I wasn€™t getting pains in my arm I was getting pains in my back on the left side where my lungs where then all after noon they have been in my arm€¦. What do I do guys why me why some days I€™m so fine and others I€™m in rare form and panic and worry and worry what the hell is wrong with me? I€™m still taking my medication but I don€™t if it€™s helping I can€™t get the thoughts out of my head and what if this time there really is something wrong and all the other times I was crying wolf. I hate the what if€™s€¦

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