Pamela, that was a wonderful post from your devotional! Sounds like it was speaking right to me. I have a problem with dredging up past failures and dreading the future. It's hard for me to live in the present, I'm either on fast-forward, or re-wind! Since I recognized this problem a while back, I've been working on it alot. Trying to live in just this minute and leaving the past behind and the future to God. Jenny, I'm glad if I've encouraged you in anyway. When I think of others and how I might help them, I have less time to obsess about how I feel. Helping others with this problem helps us all. We all need encouragement and I find alot of that on this website. Yes, I believe that God sends us help in many ways, not just with a flock of angels or a bolt of lightening, but even with a website of other people suffering the same problem. He gives us so many gifts, we need only to look around us. Actively look for the blessings today, you will find them everywhere if your eyes are open and are not blocked by the panic and fear. Sometimes I might be knocking at someone's door (I deliver pizzas) and I'll feel fear coming on. Then I stop and look around me and I might see a beautiful tree in the yard, or kids playing up the street, or a friendly cat rubbing my ankles, or a child peeking at me thru the window, smiling. I try to think on those things. I still have a problem with driving, which is bad for a pizza driver! But it's getting better as I work hard to get past the fear. All I'm saying, I guess, is that we should look outside of ourselves - to others, the world all around us - and to God. Hope you all have a wonderful New Year! I'm headed to the barn where I have some blessings of my own, BABY GOATS! There is nothing cuter or more full of life than a baby goat. They love life so much, they throw themselves into the air, twisting and jumping and bouncing. It's like they are so full of life that it erupts out of them, they can't control their enthusiasm! Let me be just like a baby goat today! BBBBAAAAA!