1. Age 28
2. Felt like I was dying,rapid heartbeat, dizzy,etc. I too like Ann, one month prior, gave birth to my second child (I still think, it was underlying condition that exploded with the horomonal change)
3. Parents divorced when I was 7
4. No
5. Yes to an extent, that after I was diagnosed, they thought it was something that I just could not think about , and it would go away.
6. Yes, but only after becoming agoraphobic, very fearful of driving, and really only trust my husband to drive, I get apprehensive if anyone else drives, since they have not witnessed my attacks.
8.Yes Xanax at first, until 5 yrs afterwards given Paxil along with it.
11.Already know some, Kim Basinger, Donny Osmond, some Football Player, Charles Darwin. Although I think it would take a current big name star, more than one, to come forward as they are diagnosed to take more of the stigma of this illness away to make me feel less desolate.
12. Yes I did tend to worry as a child, more seperation anxiety than others, but I still maintained going to sleepovers, school, etc.
sorry I somehow got 12. I may have miscounted the questions and repeated myself somewhere