Hi all.
I am a researcher as well as other things, and I am very curious to find out a common theme with PD. I am hoping you can all answer this questionaire- it's just for personal interest. Thanks!
What age did you have your first panic attack?
What was the root cause(ie - fear of dying, loss of control,irrational thoughts?)?
When you were young, did you experience any traumatic events(before ten yrs old) such as death in the family, divorce, etc.
Were you abused?(if so, what kind)
Did your family support you?
Did you avoid situations? If so, what kind?(malls, school, etc)
What were you given to relieve this?(Ie, Meds, therapy, etc)
Do you have dreams?(ie- what to do something huge!)
Did sticking by that dream help you overcome your panic?
Would seeing someone in the Olympics, movie industry or whatnot that confessed they had Panic Disorder and suffered from Agoraphobia inspire you, and help you not feel so desolate- that there is a light at the end of the tunnel?
Looking back, did you show symptoms of the Panic disorder before you had the attacks, such as nervousness, abnormal worrying, insomnia, eatting trouble, unable to attend sleepovers as a child, etc..?
Thanks! As I said, this is just a curiosity for me, and you can leave out anything you don't wish to answer.