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Paxil vs Zoloft??

for 21 år siden 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My girlfriend has an eating disorder with residual panic attacks...small doses of zoloft seem to work for her very effectively to curb depression/stabilize mood and stave off any future attacks. However, I take Paxil 20mg/day for Generalized Anxiety Disorder w/depression and it works great as well. She ran out of her zoloft and began taking my paxil to substitute while she was waiting for her prescription to go through...she had some really adverse side effects including head pressure, ringing in ears, and disorganized thoughts. My understanding is that Zoloft is much better for acute anxiety disorders like panic attacks as well as a good mood stabilizer while paxil is good for chronic anxiety and depression.
for 21 år siden 0 19 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've been on paxil 40 mg. for years...and at 27, I have lost my sex drive completly. Try Zoloft!!!
for 21 år siden 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
DJ,' I agree that you should talk to the doctor first, but I will say one thing....I have been reading a book called "From Panic to Power" by Lucinda Bassett and it has helped A LOT. It teaches you how to turn negative thoughts (that cause panic attacks) to postive thoughts (that avoid them). I have had the first three days in 1 yr with out any heavy panic, only night time mild anxiety....which subsides when I pull out the book and re-read the chapters that teach you how to retrain your thoughts. I personally can NOT take any meds due to a phobia from adverse reacions to Paxil. I am even terrified of Tylenol! I highly suggest this book that is available at Amazon.com. It's about 13.95 I think....but I have found to be pricelss. Best Wishes, Allison
for 21 år siden 0 1521 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good Morning deejaroo, Thanks for posting with us this morning. I really feel that you should discuss with your doctor that you are thinking of taking a new medication. He/she knows you best and will tell you the benefits or symptoms of specific medications (in this case Wellbutrin). We understand that you feel embarrassed regarding your panic attacks. We hope that you doctor and the members of this support group will help you find all the answers that you need. If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to jump back on the site! Have a great day :), Melanie
for 21 år siden 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone.... I was on Paxil for a year. I had a terrible time with it... THere was the 50lb weight gain and the HORRORS of going off the meds.. I don't recommend that medication to anyone. My mom (a nurse practicioner) has recommended Wellbutrin. Anyone heard anything on that? I had a really bad attack last night, and I'm so mad at myself. It totally disrupts my life, work, etc... and I'm EMBARRASSED after my panic attack because in my head I can justify that it's not real, but I can't make it stop. It subsides after about 30 minutes, but then I keep thinking about what I was panicking over... I have Xanax for when times are tough, but I don't want to take it because I hear it's addictive, and I don't need to add one MORE thing to my list of things to heal! I wish everyone the best of luck. God Bless... DJ
for 21 år siden 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, I need to find something to help with the panic attacks, so I saw my psychiatrist and we have a new plan!! This morning (Sunday) I took 25mg of Zoloft. (I have Ativan if needed). I am supposed to take 25mg for 7 days. Then 50mg for 7 days. Then see how it works.. 50mg is a therapeutic dose for anxiety. But he wants me at 100mg!! Jeeeez I am keeping a medicine journal and writing down what's going on with me. I don't want to obsess, but it does help to go back and read what I went through or how I felt. I am alone on this, just me and my MD, and my cat!! Wish me luck, and if you know anything about Zoloft that isn't scarry, let me know. I need all the help I can get :) Any advice? Jodi-
for 21 år siden 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, I need to find something to help with the panic attacks, so I saw my psychiatrist and we have a new plan!! This morning (Sunday) I took 25mg of Zoloft. (I have Ativan if needed). I am supposed to take 25mg for 7 days. Then 50mg for 7 days. Then see how it works.. 50mg is a therapeutic dose for anxiety. But he wants me at 100mg!! Jeeeez I am keeping a medicine journal and writing down what's going on with me. I don't want to obsess, but it does help to go back and read what I went through or how I felt. I am alone on this, just me and my MD, and my cat!! Wish me luck, and if you know anything about Zoloft that isn't scarry, let me know. I need all the help I can get :) Any advice? Jodi-
for 21 år siden 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
missdjrane, good luck on it...let me know how it goes. I actually decided against it when I heard that it is in the same family as Paxil. After taking Paxil, I am terrified of everything. I can only take Ativan, and am very happy with it. I take .5mg in the morning if I think I am going to have a stressful day (sitting in a meeting also makes me edgy) Aside from the sleepiness, it has been working well. I haven't had a full blown attack since I went off Paxil. I don't think it's wise taking less than the doctor prescribed unless you talk to him first! That stuff is funny about dosages. I understand your fear of sensativity, I am the same way, thus my decision to not take anything. I will suggest one thing.....try eliminating caffeine...it has worked wonders for me. I use to start my day with 3 cups of coffee and now that I drink decaf, my morning anxiety has been almost null. I think I only suffer mild anxiety during the day when I think about it. If I could only not think about the attacks, they won't come! I am reading a book now that says that the chemical inbalance that causes panic attacks is created by your thoughts and can be "unthought"....With self talk, it seems to be working. I am not a doctor, please remember that, but I really dont think you should take a different dose without first talking to your doctor. Let me know how it goes. -Allison
for 21 år siden 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
[color=Maroon]Text[/color] Hi, I've been strongly advised by my psychiatrist to start Zoloft. I have had panic disorder on and off for years. I usually can get a handle on it. I take an occassional Xanax when real bad. But lately I feel I need some help with a med. So starting Sunday morning I will take my first dose. I've got Ativan and Xanax if I need it. I might half a 25mg for a couple days. Even though he wants me to start at 25mg. I am very tall and thin, and meds. effect me a lot. I'm terrified to start this med. due to all the side effects I've read everywhere. I can't afford to lose any weight. Maybe I should just stop reading the bad stuff.... How long have you been on it? Any advice? I'm so freaked about this, I live alone, it seems worse going through this alone.. Thanks
for 21 år siden 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for your input Nervous. I think I have decided against the Zoloft. I hear it works great,but too many folks with problems getting off of it. I think since my panic attacks started from a near death experience from a diet pill, I am moreso terrified of a side effect from a pill than enything. I would rather take something that effects me immediately and wears off...no fear of long term effects, so I am currently back on daily doses of Ativan and haven't had an attack in two weeks. A little nervous when it wears off, but no panic attacks yet. I am currently reading some books and seeing an anxiety counselor....time will tell. :) Thanks again, Allison

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