I had taken zoloft for many years, it seemed to wear off and not work, they kept increasing my dosages. but nothing would happen. I must say, that since I got on zoloft and even though ive been off for over a year. im panic attack free. I still have a few here and there but im ok.
side affects of zoloft I had:
felt tired for 3 days....thats it, I stoped zoloft cold turkey a few times, and the worse I got was "zaps" for mabey a week, but they were mild zaps.
my thought is, you should take zoloft over paxil, from all the people I know who take it, they all describe it as "mild sideaffects"....we all know with paxil there are some very scarey things with it.
I hope I helped, feel free to e-mail me at Deriumofls@hotmail.com if you want to talk
wish you the best