missdjrane, good luck on it...let me know how it goes. I actually decided against it when I heard that it is in the same family as Paxil. After taking Paxil, I am terrified of everything. I can only take Ativan, and am very happy with it. I take .5mg in the morning if I think I am going to have a stressful day (sitting in a meeting also makes me edgy) Aside from the sleepiness, it has been working well. I haven't had a full blown attack since I went off Paxil. I don't think it's wise taking less than the doctor prescribed unless you talk to him first! That stuff is funny about dosages. I understand your fear of sensativity, I am the same way, thus my decision to not take anything. I will suggest one thing.....try eliminating caffeine...it has worked wonders for me. I use to start my day with 3 cups of coffee and now that I drink decaf, my morning anxiety has been almost null. I think I only suffer mild anxiety during the day when I think about it. If I could only not think about the attacks, they won't come! I am reading a book now that says that the chemical inbalance that causes panic attacks is created by your thoughts and can be "unthought"....With self talk, it seems to be working.
I am not a doctor, please remember that, but I really dont think you should take a different dose without first talking to your doctor.
Let me know how it goes.