Hi Mike. Well, it WOULD seem you're in the middle of a depression state, with feelings of hopelessness, loss, despair.... the "why bothers".... I'm quite familiar with those feelings as well. Anxiety and depression are not far from each other, in my opinion, (and I've discussed this with my therapist too) they often go hand in hand, it just depends on which is more prominent....for you, it may be depression is more prominent and anxiety is more of a "side affect"...who's to say. I obviously can't diagnose you as I'm not a doctor AND I don't know you, BUT a doctor COULD most definately, help you... Depression is a tricky thing....when you're in the middle of it, you have no desire to really do ANYthing.... you feel like there is NO solution.... but the truth is, there ARE solutions AND this state of depression you're in CAN lift, but you have to be willing to put some baby steps in....and it seems to me, if you're willing to post, or even read here at this site, then you're looking for answers, solutions - meaning you're willing to take action towards steps to help yourself out of this state of depression.... "My" experience with depression is, that it does take a little time to pull out of it... I haven't found the 'magic pill' or "trick" to 'snap me out' of a depression state..... but I do know that if I keep "acting as if", meaning, if I keep TRYING to work through it, eventually, I'm going to pull through it.... usually there's something that'll cause the depression for me, some event that's overwhelming, or most often, some chain of events, that I felt were totally out of my control and the outcome was devestating...... for instance, shortly after my wedding, a cat that adopted us,died.... that's a very brief version of what happened - but it put me into a state of depression because I'm not good at handling death of any kind, and the circumstances were especially unique and complex...... "plus" I felt like I was "owed" some sort of "special happy time" after my wedding, so I was holding onto some resentment as well that I felt a little 'robbed'..... but what I realized, over time, and much analyzing, is life is life and I don't have control over much in this world - and these things happen and I learn from them... and when I go through a dark time, one