You're right. The last thing you need to do for yourself is to entertain suicidal thoughts because of this. Mike, there is no magic pill that will cure this fear. It takes time and work. We know you're frustrated, but you're working the program, right? Have you been able to improve things even a tiny little bit in order to gain back some control?
We're here for you, and we're not asking for your money and it's Saturday. Perhaps we can help you plan your goals from week to week, to plan small little workable steps in the right direction. What homework have you done so far?
ive been to a dozen different doctors about my swallowing problem and with all the money spent on medicine in this country, NOBODY can help me. is this fear of swallowing like AIDS or cancer? NO CURE?!?!?!? if ANYONE knows of a doctor that has a brain and KNOWS how to help me out, instead of just taking my money and giving me tic tacs and tell me to come back in a month PLEASE let me know. I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!! ive been posting and calling and this and that and it seems like im never gonna eat again. the LAST thing i need is to be suicidal cuz of this.