I have to admit, that i've given up trying to find a therapist. My last one i spent months with, I told him EVERYTHING (some of seemed irrelevant to me, but who am i to say?). I wanted ANSWERS and COPING STRATEGIES. Well, after months of this, i ended up being diagnosed with ADD, (thanks buddy, but i was there for PANIC), and he told me i should spend less time with my TWIN sister (again, thanks buddy, clearly you're not a twin, we live together, have the same friends, and used to work together, she's my life partner until i get married!). I stopped going when he said "I'm stumped, i really don't know what causes your panic attacks", well, thanks again, but i wanted HELP with them, i didn't realize that his only game plan was to find the cause, i could have told him that mine have no cause!
Anyways, after all the effort and expense, i was ****ed of and tired of the whole thing (and broke), and had been given no coping strategies to speak of. The man was fabulous, but couldn't help me. Fortunately, my panic attacks have not reoccured, so i'm ok. I will look again if they come back, but its been nice to have this little break from them, aside from sanity, i don't have to look for a new therapist!