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for 22 år siden 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Beth And SCBB, I'm glad you have not infact dismissed this possibility as I had asssumed. And I do understand about the therepy not going in the direction youd have liked.. I also agree with the over diag of ADD/ADHD.. I think some kids are simply more energetic or disorganized than others and has nothing to do w/ a disorder at all.. just the mear fact that we are all built differently. and that ADD/ADHD and the meds does seem to be a trend that has many concerned... thanks for your 'clarification' on this ADD topic. :) Lady
for 22 år siden 0 75 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Lady, I don't dismiss the ADD theory at all. I think it makes a lot of sense for me actually, It explained a lot of things for me, like why i can't shut my mind off. I also think that if i'm overstimulated, or understimulated, i'm more prone to panic attacks. The thing is, our whole therapy session was about this. He was constantly sharing anecdotes about his ADHD patients, i just didn't think it needed to be the focus. Also, as i work in a school, i sometimes feel like ADHD/ADD is somewhat overdiagnosed. There are more kids lined up in the office at noon to be medicated than you can believe. On the other hand though, there are also some cases that NEED to be diagnosed, but haven't been. Its a really fine line. I have MILD ADD, apparently, and i didn't feel like the therapy was going in the same direction i wanted. You know that feeling you get when something just doesn't make sense, or seem to fit? You can't explain why, you just know it? Thats how i felt about my sessions with him. Thanks for your reply, and i'd definitely look more into it. I've often found that people's gut instincts should be followed. You've clearly read a lot about this, and if it seems to make sense to you, than you're probably right.
for 22 år siden 0 73 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Lady - I'm glad to be seeing more from you . Just remember that we're here to learn and grow together -- personally I read that list and went OMG - overwhelming! (just a reaction) not an opinion :) I want solutions, so, the way I find those today is to chip away at the issues that bother me most and keep on chipping..... ;) I HATE labels - and all my doctors picked up on that right away - they were VERY careful areound 'labels' (as that was how I USED to feel about being diagnosed...) - just gave me suggestions with facts of my health isuses that supported them and let me decide ...... I'm stubborn like a bull sometimes and think I "can handle anything" what I realize now is I have great "survival skills" but not a lot of "coping skills" -- soo that's what I want - coping skills to deal with life and me and me in life.... they did have to "diagnose" for Vict.Assist. Prgrm that is helping me pay for therapy - hence the P.T.S.D. - part of my problem is - most times, on the surface I look totally functional & normal - on the inside though, I may be falling apart... it throws people off and a lot of docs can be convinced that I'm ok and just need "this or that" ---- lucky for me, I now have smart docs that see through any b.s. I may try to pull ;) and at the same time, no longer really trying to "impress" -- I WANT help, guidance, solutions....... Aaah, quite a journey. Good for you Lady for doing some research on an ailment affecting your family - I think that's great - you will become well informed and will help you know all options open to your family..... Beth - love ya! Some therapists can be so "flipant" with what they say and how they say it with no perception of how their words come accross to the patient ---- I've experienced that a lot.... hence, why it's taking me a good, hmmm probably 7yrs to even attempt therapy again - and quite honestly, had I not been traumatized with December's event - I may still be "not interested"......... -luv to both of you! keep trudging along and remember it's a journey for us all..... -Glad you're here!!!! -SCBB
for 22 år siden 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Beth, Just curious... you seem so quick to dismiss the ADD theroy. I found this post has intreged me a bit. If you had read my intro post, one of the things I had mentioned is that I had been DX'd with a few things but not as being ADHD. (heck, 20 yrs ago the term ADHD was'nt even a common thing. I think back then was called "Minimal Brain Dysfunction" I could be wrong on that wording.)Any way.. Do you know anything about ADHD? why are you so sure IS NOT one of ur issues? Im just real curious..my 8yr old has been DX'x as ADHD.. I have just started learning about her issues. In my learning/research.. one of the things I learned is that ADD/ADHD, like other disorders, can be genetic. Now,.. No one in my family has been DX'd as so until now... but BUT.... the whole concept of ADHD is relitivly new.. a kid was either simply Hyper or a daydreamer. those were the lables then.. In my own learnig of ADHD, of some of its common traits and the hallmark symptoms such as impulsivity, distractability, over active or underactive etc.. I question my own mis-diagnosis. ( I think I may be ADD w/ co disorders)..The info ive been reading, goes on to say that as a child grows, the ADHD can manifest itself., develop Co-disorders....(the following is from book:Drivin to Distraction, by Edward Hallowell MD and John Ratey MD) "Conditions that may accompany, resemble, or mask ADD" *anxiety disorder *bipolar disorder or mania *caffeinism (excessive coffee or cola drinking) conduct disorder (inchildren) *depression disorders of impulse control (stealing, fire setting, and the like) fatigue, chronic history of fetal alcohol syndrom hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism lead poisoning *learning disabilities medications (eg., phenobarbital and dilantin) obsessive compulsive disorder oppositional disorder (in children) pathological gambling *personality disorders, such as narcissistic, anti- social, boarderline, and passive-aggressive pheochromocytoma post traumatic stress disorder seizure disorder situational disturbances such as divorce or job loss or other disruption in ones life *substance abuse touretts syndrom Again I point out the title of this listing.. Conditions that [b]accompany, resemble, or mask [/b]ADD (I put an *
for 22 år siden 0 75 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I just realized, that maybe i should add something to that. For those who are reading, therapy is NOT a lost cause, my old therapist was! The fact that i had sought therapy made me feel better in itself, b/c i was taking control back! I was looking for someone to make it all go away, perhaps this was not realistic of me, i don't know. I think that the key thing is to really look into different therapists, and their experience and area of expertise. My former therapist worked mostly with ADHD, therefore, our sessions tended to focus around that. Do your research, and find out from the get go what the therapist's game plan is, or make one together. Find someone who suits you, who you can trust, and who has experience helping people with the same problems! BOTTOM LINE- DO SEEK THIS KIND OF HELP!! I had a bad experience, but that is rare, i'm sure.
for 22 år siden 0 75 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have to admit, that i've given up trying to find a therapist. My last one i spent months with, I told him EVERYTHING (some of seemed irrelevant to me, but who am i to say?). I wanted ANSWERS and COPING STRATEGIES. Well, after months of this, i ended up being diagnosed with ADD, (thanks buddy, but i was there for PANIC), and he told me i should spend less time with my TWIN sister (again, thanks buddy, clearly you're not a twin, we live together, have the same friends, and used to work together, she's my life partner until i get married!). I stopped going when he said "I'm stumped, i really don't know what causes your panic attacks", well, thanks again, but i wanted HELP with them, i didn't realize that his only game plan was to find the cause, i could have told him that mine have no cause! Anyways, after all the effort and expense, i was ****ed of and tired of the whole thing (and broke), and had been given no coping strategies to speak of. The man was fabulous, but couldn't help me. Fortunately, my panic attacks have not reoccured, so i'm ok. I will look again if they come back, but its been nice to have this little break from them, aside from sanity, i don't have to look for a new therapist!
for 22 år siden 0 73 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Lady, I certainly hope I didn't offend anyone or make anyone feel 'bad' when I said that -- when I said that it was to help relate to Kim and where she's coming from...I'm leaving it up to Anne-Marie and the other moderators to set the guidelines and keep us on course. I only began therapy in February, after a traumatic event and after a very dear friend recommended a specific one to me - that she was going to and REALLY liked -- otherwise, before all this, therapy was great for "other people" but not for me...... I had never found one that I liked, so I stopped trying - relied on my recovery support groups, sponsor, and close friends - so I feel VERY lucky that I have one that "fits" -- it's unfortunate that it took a traumatic event and disabling anxiety attacks to get me there but, whatever works.......who am I to know... Therapy is scary, finding a doctor/therapist can be hard - learning to trust someone - it's all hard, it's all a process - but it CAN be done..... and if you want to talk about something here, please feel free to do that!!!! Honestly, to give you the details of some of the stuff I'm facing today, would be painful for both you and me..... so I try to be general - or focused on today - the scary stuff, I save for therapy, for a professional ..... does that make better sense (?) -SCBB
for 22 år siden 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
yes, ok, I can relate to that saying.. matter of fact Ive heard myself quote it on occasion just never relating it to much more than relationship woes.. "no matter what the issue is, if one of you thinks there is a problem, there IS a problem" Ive heard you and some of the others say you dont air all your major private issues here, you save them for therepy sessions or friends. well some of my problem here is finding a therepist. Now that I think I found a spark of bravery, seeking proff. help is WAY more difficult than I had ever anticipated. (sigh) Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood.... gonna try to get outside and enjoy the sun and cooler temps. I'm sure will help. Maybe I can think there. Lady
for 22 år siden 0 73 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Beth - I'm so glad you're here - you've helped all of us come out of our shell a little with your bravery and light!! thank you!! Lady - NO problem is too small or too big -- if it's bothering you, it's "big enough" -- good friend of mine tells me - if it bothers you 'enough' (and only you can answer what's enough) than it's a problem to be addressed....... don't know if that helps, but's helped me have 'permission' to speak my truth...... -SCBB
for 22 år siden 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Gee.... Hmmmm... gonna have to think about that "key" I been sitting round here feeling kindadepressed (and silly) these last several days cause I got stuff I want to say but in comparison to listening to everyone else, my troubles somehow seems so inferior, so small, insignificant and down right trivial. But to me its not.. I feel as tho whatever I have going on now is mild. But has potential.. Im afraid that I will panic. Affraid that I wont be able to deal.. so, Hmmmmm....

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