Hello again!
Well, I am on my 4th med since April, and I think it may be helping. I hear it takes a while, so I guess we just have to keep trying things until we find something that works. Keep working with oyur doctor and be completely honest about how you feel. The doctor will keep adjusting the meds until you both you find something that works.
As far as telling people, only my family and my doctor knows. I have not told anyone at my school or anyone else. I did tell one young woman at my church, but only because she was struggling with symptoms of depression and didn't know what to do (she was only looking at typical medical reasons and all tests kept coming back negative, like mine did). I thought it might help her out a bit. I don't think she has told anyone though. I did choose to tell pretty much all of my family though. They all knew something was wrong anyway, so I felt like they needed some sort of answer. This includes my in-laws, my parents, and my siblings. Mostly they have all responded with a reaction like "Huh, that's interesting" and gone on with their lives. My husband is much more patient with me now and understanding since he knows.
In time, once I get stabilized better, I may tell more people, but for now, those people are the only ones I feel comfortable telling.
I think to tell or not to tell (and who to tell) is such a personal decision for each person. If you feel that the person will really support and understand, then telling might be a good idea. If he of she might ridicule or make you feel silly or weak, then I would not tell. If he or she tends to tell everyone everything (gossipy), then I would not tell. You just have to make that determination on a case by case, person by person basis.
Honestly, I think even if only my husband knew, that would be enough for me since I have discovered the rest of them have not been very supportive. Also, I have not told my daughter yet. She will be 11 years old soon, and I am just not ready to explain all of it to her.
If I were working right now (I will be starting in August), I think I might make up some other reason for not feeling well with my boss and coworkers (like having bad headaches or something). But that's just me. Maybe your situation is different.
Great question to ask!