checking back in! Nothing is great! but everything is good!
He went for his interview, got the job, got his toolbox delivered, transfered the registration from broken truck to car, fixed the flat tire, charged the battery, and had car inspected! (of course it failed inspection but what do you expect...) He did all that yesterday! He wasn't happy about any of it but he did it!
Last night was tense, he was nervous and anxious and went to bed at 8:00, admittedly to think and worry. This morning he woke up a 3:00 am, barely spoke, barely looked in my direction, but I noticed he kept doing his relaxing breaths! (we have been working on that) He was deep inside his own head, but held himself together and went to work for the first time in three months. I was more nervous than a mother sending her child off on their first day of school.
He made it through the day! The job sucks, its not enough money, the place is a dump, the equipment is old and crappy, he had a hard time concentrating, figures he is going to get fired because he isn't fast enough, he hates how his medication makes him feel, he is the oldest one there, but hey what do you want he is depressed. When I called him on his negative attitude he smiled and laughed a little and come up with a few positive tid bits for me. Like it isn't really that bad but he does not want to admit it. He is adorable! I am so proud of him.
Visiting this site is one of the things I am doing for me. I also cry in the bathtub, what's up with that? I thought it was only me. I also have two little maltese dogs, they make me smile all the time!
And if you can stand it I have one more good thing to report! NO SNOW, just some freezing rain!
Medication question: He has been taking Seroquel for two weeks, Celexa for 10 days and took Risperdal 4 mg for three days while he was in the hospital, 2 mg on his first day home but stopped taking it. Does the medication work that fast? Or has he somehow returned to his baseline on his own? Like I said he seemed to improve in the ER without any medication. He said that the one thing that he learned from being in the hospital was that no one else is going to fix him, that his strength comes from inside. He keeps saying that he does not want to keep taking the medication. He says he feels like he is in a fog, but I think the fog could be caused by the stress and depression rather than the medication. Any insight?