Welcome to our support community! We can help and assist you through this progress. Our program is designed to take you step by step through the process and help guide you through this.
The members know where you are coming from and can be of great support to you. Take a look at the program and read all the useful knowledge.
Let us know how we can help :)
Josie, Support Specialist
Does anyone remember that book "Been down so long it looks like up to me"? By Joan Baez's brother (can't remember his name = symptomatic,yes?). Well, I am THERE. I haven't a clue what not being depressed is like. I can remember being sickened/depressed at age 5 (earlier?). I am almost 60 yrs now and I've been on Prozac since it first came on the market in '88/89. I wouldn't dream of trying to live without it. I thank the pharm.Gods for allowing me to chemically block suicidal thoughts most of the time and 'dismiss' casual but diurnal inquietudes. I have accepted, with misery and shame, being part zombie for the last 20 years. I just wanted to say hello and join the club. Thanks for the opportunity.