Hiya Kel,
I know this will all sound lame and annoying in the state you are now but I will tel you this anyway because it is how I got through feeling like I just could not take a minute more of this.
First of all, continue working the program, monitoring then challenging your thought pushing yourself to do exposure work etc... Eventually all the hard work kicks in and it pays. It really helped me get better this program.
Second, and this will sound crazier still, I found that living in the Now and accepting things the way they are in the present moment, not thinking of the past or future but just accepting my present moment and who I am in it really helps. Resisting it all sems to make me way more anxious. Now, of course if you read my many posts you will see that i dont always succeed at this lol Its pretty hard to do in my honest opinion. But when i do manage to just BE in the PRESENT without resistance I feel better.
Third, be good and kind and patient with yourself. It is so easy for us to set high expectations for ourselves and get really down on ourselves the minute we dont get it all perfect. Just give yourself time, be good to yourself , you deserve it!
Four, I think it is great of you to seek help of a professional. I think it is a step in the right direction.
And remember, this too shall pass! Hang in there. Sorry if i could not be more helpful, all I could tell yu was what helped me but we are all different I guess and we all kind of find our own ways :) Anyway, I hope some of my ramblings helped you :)