I went to the Doctors tonight {after years of avoiding them I have been to so many lately} we went over the catscan and he said everything looked negative which is good, the one thing that concerned was when the medical tech asked me if I had also recieved an MRI, of course that was what was worrying me but the DOctor said the Catscan is accurate and would pick up anything and if it did and MRI would have been done. He is not sure about the cause of my headaches, he thinks its the sore neck or Paxil, that what has been getting me so frustrated noone seems to know whats wrong! He prescribed muscle relaxants for the neck hoping that will relieve the 16 day headache and he changed the Paxil to Paxil CR, does the CR have less side effects?? I do not know if Tululi and Vickers were on the regular or CR?? He wants me to keep taking the Paxil he thinks its helping, it is lifting the sadness but umfortunatly the anxiety and panic are in full-swing, its been over 3 weeks I hope these horrible side effects go away and I start to get better, the nausea, dizziness and headaches have caused MORE panic for me, as if I needed any more. If I could ask everyone a question and you can be honest, a two-part question can anxiety cause all these symptoms I am having and am I a hypocondriac?? You can be honest, I would rather think I am a hypo than dying of a brain tumor or something, he did NOT x-ray the neck he did not want to expose me to more radation he said. I just want to put this behind me and feel better, I was so dizzy and naucous today I had to lay down for an hour because the room was spinning, has that ever happened to anyone and has it been anxiety? Thank you, God bless, Debbie.