Hi and thank you so much for responses.
Been mellow for the past few days, but I know it's short lived. But I try to take it a day at a time. I'm fighting my partner now because she refuses to eat. She's 5'9 and weighs about 116lbs. She used to weigh at least 135. I talked to her today about trying to eat so that she can face surgery healthier. She says she can't, because of her stomach. The meds that they have her on are tearing her stomach apart. She's living on Ensure. But she only drinks 3 a day, and I know that is no way going to make her gain weight. The only thing it's doing is keeping her alive.
So the struggle is on. Next thursday all my questions will be answered - I hope!
One good thing that I did do, today I actually took my daughter to her ballet class ALONE. A year ago there would have been no way I could have done that. Her class is about 30 minutes away, one way. So I drove her alone, and actually sat with her while she had class, which lasted an hour, and calmly drove home. I didn't freak at all. I think the fact that I got out of the house, and away from the crap, is what I needed.
And about having someone coming here is out of the question. She doesn't want anyone here, and especially if I'm not here. She panics and looks for me. And not to mention, that me being agoraphobic, that there's some days that I really CAN'T get out of the house. Yes, I know I should, but anyone with anxiety knows, if you can't, you CAN'T. So I'm trapped in my self-made prison.
But I did want to thank you both for responding. I was actually surprised that I got even one. I thought for sure that when people read my "dilema" that I would be pegged "a nutcase" and run for the hills. Thank you for not running!
Right now I feel so alone, scared and confused. But certainly better to have this site, and to have responses from wonderful caring people. Thank you!
Hope you both have a wonderful day/night!