Thank you Lulu Allison and Vickers, The health care system in Florida is bad along with the school system and the cost of living. I broke down and took the third and final antibotic, I have not had those electric like shocks or bad headache, yet? It made me queasy with some loose stool, nothing I cannot live with. If I am not better by tomm I will go to ER the insurance will cover it except for a $100.00 co-pay which is what I spent at that Doctors office. If my primary just could of seen me I would not of had to go through this hellish experience, the practioner is gone I saw out-of-pocket and the Doctor wants full price for the appt, another culture so I may as well go to ER. Some positive news is that health options my HMO assigned me a new primary, I am going to call first thing Monday for an appt he is very close to home and people seem to like him alot. I guess first my primary not seeing me for my low co-pay, we pay $400.00 a month for this then spending all that at another office just floored me! Hopefully this new assigned Doctor will help me. My husband is applying for other jobs, these shifts do not help and my son misses him so much. I am going to try to get a good nights sleep and hopefully in the morning things will look better. You are right Vickers its insane, its like some nightmare or something I pray things will look up. When I lived in Ohio I recieved excellent medical care. God bless you all for caring. Debbie.