Dear Gang, Last night my little boy bumped his head very hard on the cupboard. I totally freaked, my husband was going out the door to work and we were all alone, I wanted to call the paramedics but my son screamed and said "NO" he got very very angry at me for panicking, last week he hurt his foot, I know kids hurt themselves but its really no comfort. I stayed up all night watching for signs of a concussion or blood clot!! I am still watching him, my nerves are shot! I have tried therapy, medication, prayer, postive thinking and I still am a mess, panic anxiety and depression running rampant, my coping skills are none. Should I just "learn to live with it" like people with arthritis, diabieties, high blood pressure etc... do?? It seems like really thinking rock bottom when I decide that. I do NOT want to "learn to live with it" I want it to go away or at least subside somewhat so I can live a somewhat semi-normal life, I do not want to hurt my husband or son, I am afraid to take the Paxil with the Klonopin because I am afraid a horrible interaction will take place. Learning to live with it seems so sad so pathetic and so final, I feel like a failure, I do not know how much longer I can wake and feel like this, afraid to live afraid to die, thinking at any moment I could drop dead of a stroke or heart attack, should I just accept everything has failed and live with it? I don't know how to do this because a part of me so wants to get well and beat it but I feel very weak and weary, like "IT" won. I will not stop praying, I am crying as I write this because I am so tired of the battle, of losing. Everything has failed. If anyone can help please. God bless you all, Debbie.