Charley, here are the physical things which can cause anxiety that I know of, there may be more. Heart problems(mitral valve prolapse-harmless usually), thyroid, hypo/hyperglocemia, lyme disease, adrenal disorder, hormones (the adrenal produces your hormones). You may want to try something called rhodiola rosea,(sp.?) which is considered an adaptagen. The Russians used to use it for the soldiers who had battle fatigue. I don't see it around a lot, but Nutri-system sites sell it. (helps with weight loss too!) I know I felt much better when I took it years ago. Maybe I'll get some, too. I'm not sure if you can take it along with St. John's Wort, as I believe they both raise seratonin levels. You may want to check with someone who knows herbs better than I. Have you been taking your lessons in here? I just had my 3rd one and it was very helpful as far as challenging strange thoughts. Like you ask yourself, is there any evidence that I would hurt someone? Also you were prob. out in the heat mowing, and I know a lot of people who have panic in the heat. One friend, who only ever had a panic attack once about 5 years ago, had a really bad one at an outdoors work mtg. last week. She was shaking and crying and could hardly drive home. Being in the sun has set me off before, and my stepmother gets them when it's humid. So, maybe if this happens again, you can ask yourself if your feeling ok physically. According to Lucinda Basset's course, weird stray thoughts like that usually come from an outside source of stress. Hope this helps, Cathie