Thank you Gina,
I also do not tell my husband how I feel or when I am anxious, because he doesn't understand and will dismiss it and say that I am being 'dumb.'
I am not sure how long we will be staying with my inlaws -- not sure at all...I am just nervous and afraid...
I am here for you too:-)
How are you feeling today? I hope you have a wonderful day:-)
Take care,
B, we have alot in common including our husbands dont understand us.try to think about the positive in living with the inlaws.i lived with my inlaws while my house was being built. it wasnt so bad! its only temp right?i have learned to try to take care of myself lately and not tell my husband cause when i do he gets a baths,positive thinking and this site.i am here for you B when you need me.
Thank you Lou and Gina,
I had a bad panic/anxiety attack last night and just broke down...I guess things are changing so husband and I are moving in with my inlaws in a few days and I am afraid....last night I just didn't know what to do...I explained to my husband and I told him that I needed him to be my rock again...he has been better....but still feeling anxious and having those 'stupid negative' thoughts....Thank you for your are you doing? I hope you are doing well....
Let me know how you are....
Take care,
Hi there so tired hopefully you are feeling better by now.Try and be strong you are stronger than you feel at this moment you will be ok and you are definately not alone in this constant battle we are all here to help and support you in whatever way we can.
Thank you all...I have some amazing friends and family that I can share my anxieties with and they completely understand that...however it is my husband who does not understand, although he is being a lot more supportive these past few days....but he still is very hard on me...and says some harsh words that just make me feel so low...I guess there will always be the good days and the bad ones...thank you:-)
Have a great day!
Hi Sotired,
Hope you are feeling a bit better now. It is tough when there are negative people close to you, it doesn't help with a disorder like this. I have had similar experiences with negative family members, it does make it difficult to focus on the positive. Do you have any friends or other family that are positive? Perhaps speak with them more but if not then there are heaps of people here to cheer you up when you've had 'one of those days'! Take Care, Jas.
Hi Sotired
Hope you are doing well. I get so anxious with change. Like a move or new job. It really stresses me out. Plus, many of us anxious people are overachievers and want everything to be just so. Like with moving, you probably want everything put away and looking nice. I can understand that. Just try to relax a bit at the end of everyday. Even surfing the weeb or posting helps alot. Take care and good luck finishing up with the move.
Thank you...I am feeling better...but still very anxious...we are moving so things are getting hectic...My husband is in school doing his MBA and I just finished law school -- so I am home all day, packing and getting things done...but my husband doesn't see it that way -- he sees the 'negative' in everything -- that really hurts...I feel that I have all the responsibilities of making sure all is well and on top of that we are moving in with my in-laws....I am sorry to be complaining I guess I just need to vent...
Gina and Caitlin,
Thank you so much for your kind words...I am trying to be strong...but when I am anxious I tend to have negative thoughts which are so 'stupid' -- I try to counter them with positive thoughts and put on some music :-)
It's a beautiful day here and I am hoping to make it a great day:-)
How are you gals doing? I hope all is well and thank you so much:-) I feel so much at home being much support and wonderful friends:-)
Have a good one:-)