I know how hard it is to force yourself to think positively - especially on the really bad days, but try - try to take some of the words and thoughts from the people here with you and repeat them to yourself when you start getting anxious - sit up a little straighter and hold your head high, and think about a) how normal this disorder is becomming - I mean, how many people are going thru the same thing as you - it's becomming so common it's like WE'RE the normal ones!! and b) think about all the friendship here - think about what a good person you are, and how much you have to share and give.
I know it's not always possible, but sometimes it helps me. Today I did my best to control my thought patterns - nip them in the bud as soon as I noticed they were going down the wrong path. It worked pretty well for me today. I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day, let us know how you are doing...