I am new to this site and am grateful to have found it! I suffer from panic disorder with agorophobia. I haven't really travelled anywhere in 3 years due to avoidance (and lack of support on the home front) and my anxiety is getting worse. In particular, it's the "anticipatory anxiety" that is eating at me. The dosage of Klonopin I take is very low - prescribed as .5mg but I break it in half and take .25mg in AM and .25mg. in PM. I'm afraid to take more because it makes me tired. I know I should, but I just get more anxiety about that! Needless to say, I don't think the Klonopin helps me much, especially with the anticipatory anxiety. I am currently in therapy with a wonderful doctor whose specialty is panic disorders. I just started seeing him again last week. I'm not sure that I'm ready to tackle any of this without medication yet and I've heard people say that Ativan helps more with the anticipatory anxiety than the Klonopin. I just received a script for 10 Ativans, .5mg to try it out. Just wondering if anyone had any positive experiences with Ativan (or Klonpin for that matter.) Thank you!!!