Lauren, I am so very sorry for your loss. I also had a miscarriage several years ago before my son was born, the doctor said to wait 6 months and try again, he said most women have at least one miscarriage, some do not even know, just a heavy clotty slightly late period. I will pray that you conceive again, I know you will and carry to term. Thanks for responding to me, my husband just took off in our car with our son, he has drank about 8 beers and I am now worried to death about him driving with my small son, he said I "drove him to drink" I am very angry he would get behind the wheel with our son, now I guess my panic is valid, I just pray they return safely. I have a special-needs son and I am 44, its not that I did not want another baby Lauren, its just I am so scared about downs-syndrome etc... also my husband has been exposed to radation and asbestos at work and the Doc said that is probably the cause of my son disablities, I assured my husband it is not, I do not want him to have guilt. How old are you Lauren, are you married with any kids yet {I am sure you will have one soon if not} this site really helps this has been a really bad day, Good Friday to boot and it seems like everything is falling apart, I cannot believe my husband would drink and drive like that with my son with him, it just increases my worry and panic and thats probably his intent. I will be looking forward to hearing from you Lauren, thank you for your kind kind words. Debbie.