Heather: Have you been to the dentist lately and had x-rays taken of your teeth? If your teeth are impacted, it can cause lots of problems...I'm going through the same thing right now and am having 6 teeth (4) of which are my wisdom teeth because they are trying to come through and have caused problems with a couple of my other back teeth. All four of mine are impacted and 3 of them are trying to come through. It has caused my fillings to come out and I never got them seen about so now I have two rotten teeth in the back that also have to come out, one of which has to be replaced with an implant. I didn't know this until the other day when I went for my consultation, but a tooth left unseen about can cause things such as abcesses, cycsts forming in the gums, jaw complications, nerve complications and even tumors in the gums and jaws. So my advice is this....GO TO THE DENTIST! Most likely they will give you anesthesia and you wont feel a thing until the next day. I am having this done in a couple of weeks and I'm quite nervous about it too, but I want to keep my teeth for as long as I can you know? By the way, I am 25 and have been having trouble for a while.