Thanks everyone, I'm sorry I did not reply to this sooner (brain has been all over the place lately). All of you are the greatest!
I've made it two weeks, yea me! Hanging in there with the help of my friends on and off the boards. Although, my waist is slowly disappearing due to eating more, I just decided one thing at a time. Just do what I have to do not to smoke then will work on the stop eating so much thing. Carrots, cauliflower and broccoli are usually close by but now I crave chocolate chip cookies!! Oh well, one day at a time, one mountain at a time. These habits didn't happen over night and they will not disappear over night either.
Karren, I see we quit about the same time, I'll be checking in on you :-)
Take care everyone, keep strong, keep your quit and know that you can overcome anything!
Jules (Nissala)
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 5/12/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 16 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 320 Amount Saved: $68.64 Life Gained: Days: 1 Hrs: 15 Mins: 55 Seconds: 58
Coming up on weekend 2 for you. Enjoy the holiday weekend and GO GET EM again.
Your post about the phone call reminded me of a situation early in my quit. I have always been the go to guy when family problems or situations happened. I had to get real selfish for a while and be off limits to others creating stress. Hard to do but some food for thought if others get to yanking your chains too much. I told a couple people I was off limits for problem solving until further notice. And it worked. Do what you need to "just for you" for a while.
Happy Holiday Nissala
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 11/19/2007 Smoke-Free Days: 186 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 2,790 Amount Saved: $627.75 Life Gained: Days: 29 Hrs: 23 Mins: 3 Seconds: 50
You're a strong woman, Nissala. You can do it with the help that you're getting from the members and your will to live a healthy life. Congratulations on beating off those cravings - it does get easier... the stronger you are in persisting in wiping those smoke thoughts the easier it will be to beat the next ones down the know this but I just wanted to make it stick in your mind a bit more...
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 1/18/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 126 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 3,150 Amount Saved: $1,417.50 Life Gained: Days: 23 Hrs: 10 Mins: 41 Seconds: 51
Go job hanging tough under trying circumstances. I, too had a few rough things happen early in my quit--& the question I ask myself is --will smoking change anything???? It sounds simple but it has helped me stay quit...
Keep posting, reading and venting & doing what you're doing 'cause it's working!!!
Stay strong, Deb
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 3/1/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 83 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 2,490 Amount Saved: $560.25 Life Gained: Days: 9 Hrs: 11 Mins: 4 Seconds: 3
Sounds like you're doing great with everything that's going on in your
life. Give yourself a great big pat on the back and be proud of
yourself. Remember to be extra kind to yourself and take a shot
at saying no to others when their demands for your support get to be
too much. You can always call your sister back when you've taken
a bit of a break. Three hours is too much for anyone.
You have to take care of yourself first and only you know what you really need. This is your time.
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 1/26/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 117 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 1,287 Amount Saved: $566.28 Life Gained: Days: 13 Hrs: 19 Mins: 49 Seconds: 59