Just wanted to let you guys know what happened. Last night i was absolutely terrified. I pretty much was about to cry myself to sleep. This morning i was thinking about just calling and cancelling the whole thing, but then i said to myself " idiot, this is a huge opportunity for you, dont let these attacks run your life."
So i got dressed and got in the car, was really nervous. I was pretty much ok til i got past the exit thats kinda where my comfort zone stops. I had some chest discomfort, but i just kept talking to myself and trying to concentrate on other things. Needless to say, i made it there without pulling over and without any major attacks. And the ride home was completely fine!!!!! Once i got home is when my chest really started to hurt.. LoL. I think the anticipitory anxiety is worse than the actual thing.
So for all of you reading this and saying "yay for her, but i could never do that," you can. I didnt think i could either, but it feels so good when you do and you're actually successful. Challenge yourself and you might just be surprised. Dont let this thing win. You have the power over it, dont let it have the power over you.