Yes I was aware of everything. I had the thought that being hypnotised was being in a trans. Well I was wrong. All they do is get you to focus on a spot in the room and relax you. they try to relax you to a point were your whole body feels so relaxed that you are only listening to them. They talk in this low voice and repeat over and over again about panic and anxious thoughts. My hypnotist used the color red. Simce I have a hard time driving, when ever I see red, it will relax me. I do have to admitt I was very scared but I also had nothing else to lose, except my panic. After my session about whicj was about 1 1/2 hours he gave me a pact. In it was a CD and a paper about panic disorder. He asked that I listen to the CD for about 21 days when ever I wanted. So far I still feel good. The panic isn't gone 100% but he did teach me how to better cope and understand that flight and fight is a normal reaction and everyone has it. I also needed to get a physical prior to seeing him. They checked my thyroid, ekg, holter moniter tests, blood work, chest xray and everything else. It wil work only if you truly believe in it and want it to. nothing is a true garentee. it is expensive and I checked around first to make sure he had a license. anything else I can aswer just ask. I hope I helped....Christina