Hi,you sound just like me,welcome to the site,it sucks you have to be here,but people are here to help you.I'm 25 yo male,ive had this like 5 years,ive taken xanax the whole time,and my side effects to other meds were bad.I to,and till this day belive i have anxiety,but there is something else wrong with me.Mostly affects my heart,and stomach.Like you mine last all day like a general feel like you are going to die thing day in day out no better issue.I hope im helping your not alone your new to this stupid disease,cripple in the begging,ive had it 5 years,and its harder,its like smoking the longer you smoked the harder to quit deal.Get test done ive had just about all of them done,but i cannot belive like you said,and it hit a nerve that lasts all day..Panic attacks the big ones last maybe an hour i guess i think longer,but check this out in my case,they go on for months,and the more fuel you give with the what if thoughts,and the health isues,you let it burn.When it burns it is so hard to put it out,i feel like this disease has ruined my life..as far as family,working,friends,and my life in general,im to consumed with my health,and the symptoms i feel all day..all day i have some kind of symptom how could this be it can only last how long...well i hope i helped talk back to me soon..i will pray for you..