Thanks everyone. Well, today is day 2 of my humpteenth journey. I haven't been able to quit cold turkey, the patch does me weird, my insurance company will not pay for wellbutrin, or chantix right now, so I'm trying this alone. So, what I'm doing is exactly what the program says, I am cutting back and stretching normal smoking times out as far as I can. I am not near as anxious doing it this way and eventually I will get to the big zero a day. I don't care if it takes me a month, I will get there. I'm really liking Curves and I walked 2 miles when I got home yesterday. I soooo don't want to smoke after exercising, I guess it feels like my lungs are wide open or something. So, I'm quitting, but not quit but I am doing great so far at quitting. Does that make sense?