Well, I recently have insomnia too now! It's been about a week and a half since this started. I can't sleep through the night. I can fall asleep, but I also wake up almost every hour, and I can't fall back asleep easily (or stay asleep). I'm not anxious or scared when I wake up, and I'm SUPER tired, yet I just can't sleep. It's SO frustrating, and I don't know what the problem is, so I don't know how to fix it.
I excercise every day (way before bedtime, usually around noon), I don't drink caffeine at any time during the day (just in case), and I try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
I am on Paxil, so maybe that's causing it. I was on Paxil 3 years ago for about a year and this didn't happen, but I know that our bodies change, so maybe Paxil isn't for me this time? I went to the doctor about it after 4 nights of really not sleeping at all (it was about a week after he raised my dosage from 10mg to 20mg) and he said to take gravol before bed for about 4 nights (since it makes you drowsy) and then we'd talk next week when I come back to see him (I go back on Friday). It hasn't made a difference. I really hope he does something for me this Friday!!!
And now it's like I dread going to sleep because it seems like once this pattern started almost 2 weeks ago, it's like this EVERY night (I had one night of good sleep and I was SO happy!). Sigh...