Igive you all the support in the world. You can do it..Especially if you love your job so much. I think that all the kaos will be a distraction to you and allow you to comfort your students and re assure them that you are back and are there for them.
To me there is nothing like the feeling of support, especially from someone your not expecting it from.
Best wishes
If you can survive panic attacks and meds, you can definately do that. I have so much faith in you. You are strong and you deserve to do what makes you happy in life. We are all here for you. If you need to talk you can e-mail me: melisnl@aol.com
THANKS to everyone for the encouragement!! I really appreciate it!!
I hit a deer with my car yesterday----I'm fine but my car has about $3000 damage. Anyway I did wake up in the night in the midst of panic. Didn't take long to calm down but made me question what's going to happen the first time my students have a crisis??!!
Your kind thoughts will keep me centered.
Thanks again.
Brenda :)
"Your kids" will surely remember you, and likely be relieved
to have you back. Kid's, even special needs ones, are able
to understand far more than we give them credit for. Might I
suggest you tell them all what you have been through and
what your concerns are for them?
Let them give you feed back and listen. I think you will be
pleasantly surprised. You're going to do great, and I strongly
suspect some of your biggest support will come from the kids
you are so dedicated to.
Brenda, as a professional often called on to intervene with crisis I can only say that you are doing a wonderful thing going back to your kids. When their school program falls apart often times other things do as well. Sending you lots of positive vibes! You can do it! Rachele
THANK-YOU!!!! I like that "courage is just fear walking". I think I'll post that on my desk at school.
I enjoy your positive outlook. I too try to be positive as much as possible.
Have a good day!! :)