Brenda I KNOW you will do fine, you have been there before and you are the best person for the job. It will be such a blessing for those kids to have you back. Walking back into that classroom will do wonders for you and it can only be a positive experince. Remember, Courage is just fear walking, so just put one foot in front of the other and get back to those kids who need you! (Although you will get just as more back from them I imagine!).
Good Luck and all of my positive energy and thoughts will be coming your way.
Hey all,
I have been on a medical leave of absence due to the return of my Panic Disorder. In the past 7 months there have been 6 deaths in my family and 2 deaths of friends. I also teach high school behavior disorder students. SO I know why the panic resurfaced!HA!HA!
I am doing much better and am back on medication to help me get things under control once again. Here's the deal------I am to return to work on the 18th. I love my job very much and can't imagine doing anything else. However, the substitute that has been in for me was not trained in working with special needs students and has unknowingly made a disaster of my entire program. My students, who rarely were taken to the office by me, are finding themselves suspended and in detention constantly.
I know I will have a very difficult and stressful time getting things back together. I would greatly appreciate all of you sending postive thoughts and energy my way between now and the 18th and on the 18th. I don't suppose I'll really know how well I'm doing until I walk into that classroom on day 1!
Thanks! :8o: