Hi Al,
I would recommend very strongly seeking the services of a nutritionist and / or a homeopathic practitioner. I see one myself and was told recently to eliminate the following from my diet to help with my anxiety:
Caffine (tea, coffee, colas. Read the ingredients)
Gluten (local health food stores have tons of gluten-free food)
Dairy (eggs are OK)
Alcohol. No alcohol whatsoever. Nevermind that it interacts with my medication, it plays havoc on my anxiety.
Add - a well balanced multivitamin. I take one made by Genestra. But, check with your health care provider first.
Of note, once you eliminate these things from your diet, you're going to fee AWFUL for about a week to two weeks as your body cleanses itself. After that, you should feel much better. I am noticing a difference (although slight, since I just started this) in the panic.
Hope this is helpful
Sarah :)